FeSR Conference 2022
On 4 November 2022, Fabian Ziermann and his colleague Dwayne Bach discussed eSports antitrust law at the 4th conference of...

Gatekeeper Status under the DMA
The new Digital Markets Act (DMA) strives to keep digital markets open and contestable despite the presence of important gatekeepers....

US Digital Antitrust
On 11 & 12 October 2022, The Competition Law Hub was pleased to welcome Barak Orbach from the University of...

Big Tech and the Federal Trade Commission
Ahead of the midterms in the US, Austrian newspaper Der Standard took stock of the first 15 months of Lina...

AI, Distributive Justice and EU Competition Law
At the Lawtomation conference hosted by the IE University Law School in Madrid on 29 & 30 September 2022, Klaudia...

Professors’ Meeting at the German Bundeskartellamt
On 29 September 2022, Vicky Robertson discussed digital merger control and possible next steps at the German Bundeskartellamt’s “Arbeitskreis Kartellrecht”....

Austrian Construction Cartel and Damages Actions
The bid-rigging cases concerning the Austrian construction sector are about to kick off a string of damages actions. In Austrian...

Workshop on Competition Law and Sustainability
On 23 September 2022, Klaudia Majcher presented at a workshop on competition law and sustainability organised by the Competition Law...

Protecting Data and the Environment through Competition Law
In the framework of the Vienna Competition Law Days that were held on 16 and 17 September 2022 at the...

Book Launch: Big Tech and Innovation
On 16 September 2022, Ariel Ezrachi launched his newest book with Maurice Stucke, “How Big-Tech Barons Smash Innovation—and How to...