Competition in AI
On 4 June 2024, CERRE invited to an event at the Cercle Gaulois in Brussels to discuss innovation and competition...

The Economic Driver of Gaming Ecosystems
The first part of Fabian Ziermann’s three-part article on the nature of eSports and gaming ecosystems in SpoPrax, a German...

Call for Papers: The New Market Definition Notice
The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (Oxford University Press) is launching a call for papers for a Special Issue on the...

Tackling the Entrenchment of Bottleneck Power
In the first part of his recent article in the Austrian Competition Journal, Fabian Ziermann discusses the changing landscape of European...

Competition Law in Space?
As part of the EU Law Live symposium on “Competition Law and Regulation”, Fabian Ziermann discussed the relevance of competition law in...

Can Competition Law Save Democracy?
In a recent working paper, Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford University) and The Hub’s Vicky Robertson ponder democracy’s tech-driven decline and competition...

Gender and Competition Law
On 3 May 2024, Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch (Director General of the Austrian Federal Competition Authority) and The Competition Law Hub’s Vicky...

The Future of Competition Law Enforcement
Against the background of their recent DataComp project, Vicky Robertson and Jürgen Fleiß published an editorial in GRURInt in which...

DMA and Ecosystem Power
In the realm of our Jour fixe, The Competition Law Hub had the pleasure to host two talks by our...

Digital Platforms and Competition Law
On 18-19 April 2024, Klaudia Majcher participated in the conference on ‘Digital Platforms and Competition Law: ‘Glocal’ Trends and Challenges’...