Competition Law and Digital Democracy
Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford University) and The Hub’s Vicky Robertson have just published their paper entitled “Can competition law save democracy? Reflections on...

The Twin Transition and Competition Law
In the new Research Handbook on Sustainability and Competition Law, edited by Julian Nowag, Klaudia Majcher and Vicky Robertson contributed...

Two Concepts of “Undertaking”
There are two different notions of “undertaking” in competition law, argues our former Visiting Research Fellow Eva Fischer: One is...

Strategic Foresight and Competition Law at ASCOLA
At this year’s 19th ASCOLA conference, which took place in Würzburg (Germany) from 4 to 6 July 2024, Vicky Robertson...

What the US Google Judgment Means for Europe
On 5 August 2024, a US District Court found that Google held a monopoly in online search, and had illegally...

Competition Law and Democracy
At the DACH Forum on Competition Policy hosted by Compass Lexecon in Vienna, Vicky Robertson held a keynote asking “Can...

New DMA Brochure
Vicky Robertson and Alexandre de Streel (Université de Namur) contributed to a new brochure on the Digital Markets Act (DMA)...

App Stores at the DMA Conference
On 24 June 2024, the European Competition Network (ECN) hosted a conference on the Digital Markets Act in Amsterdam. The...

Superleague – Breaking Up Monopolies?
In his recent article in the Austrian Law Journal, Fabian Ziermann and his co-authors Dwayne Bach and Patrick Petschinka discuss...

The Austrian Brau Union Case
In the Austrian national radio’s news show “Ö1 Mittagsjournal”, Vicky Robertson discussed the newest case brought by the Austrian Competition...