Breaking up Google?
For Austrian newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten, Vicky Robertson was recently interviewed on the ongoing US case against Google, its repercussions on...
Computational Antitrust Tools to Detect RPM
Computational antitrust tools can help competition authorities in the detection of antitrust infringements. However, these tools require the availability of...
State Aid and Covid 19
Petar Petrov's article on state aid and COVID-19 in the air transport sector (in German) was published in the Zeitschrift...
Sustainability Talk at NYU Workshop
On 31 October 2023, Vicky Robertson spoke at New York University’s Jean Monnet Center Public Law Workshop Series. She talked about...
Priority-Setting in Antitrust in the Digital Era
What cases are prioritised by competition authorities when it comes to the digital economy? What patterns can be observed, and...
Coherence between Data Protection and Competition Law
In digital markets, data protection and competition law affect each other in diverse and intricate ways. Their entanglement has triggered...
The Future of Digital Mergers Post-DMA
The Digital Markets Act (DMA) wants to ensure contestable and fair digital markets. In addition to its principal obligations, the...
DMA and Complementarity
On 4 October 2023, Vicky Robertson discussed the complementarity of antitrust rules and the Digital Markets Act at a conference...
Abuse of Dominance in the Funeral Industry
Franziska Guggi’s work on abuse of dominance in the funeral industry, which she previously presented at the ASCOLA conference in...
Vienna Competition Law Days 2023
On 11 and 12 September 2023, The Competition Law Hub was pleased to host the second edition of the Vienna...