
Discover our diverse research and publications! The research conducted at The Competition Law Hub is manifold, carried out in various projects, in collaboration with partners from across the globe. Our research regularly leads to publications such as working papers, articles in traditional journals, monographs, blog posts, podcasts, and many more. We engage with the larger competition law community. Come and apply for a research fellowship with us!

News & Media


Fine for Gun-Jumping

Following the Austrian Supreme Court’s ruling to impose a fine  of € 70 million on supermarket chain Rewe for gun-jumping,...

Highest Ever Antitrust Fine in Austria

The Austrian Supreme Court recently imposed the highest ever antitrust fine in Austrian proceedings: supermarket giant Rewe was fined €...

Antitrust Writing Awards 2025

The nominations are out – and Fabian Ziermann’s article on ‘Dark patterns: Can criminal law remedy the shortcomings of antitrust...




The SYRI-Alert project sets out to develop an early warning system for supply chain disruptions to increase the resilience of...

Charting a Greener Future for EU Competition Law

The project sets out to harness the transformative power of environmental sustainability by charting new ways for a greener future...


Antitrust violations in their various forms result in considerable costs and disadvantages for competitors, customers and the public at large. Yet...


Robertson_16 June 2023

Digital Mergers at the OECD

At its 144th Competition Committee Meeting of the OECD on 16 June 2023, Vicky Robertson contributed a talk on adapting...
St heute

Digital Platforms in the News

Local prime time news “Steiermark Heute” did a portrait on the research of Vicky Robertson, which aired on 7 June...
Jus Update

New Rules for the Online World

On 5 June 2023, Vicky Robertson held a talk on the new rules for the online world in the framework...



The DMA in Bulgaria

Petar Petrov contributed a chapter on the application of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in Bulgaria to the book Navigating...

Detecting RPM with Unsupervised Machine Learning

The data-driven investigation of potential antitrust violations has found more and more applications in recent years, including through the use...
ÖZK (002)

Insights into the Vienna Competition Law Days 2024

In the current issue of the Austrian Competition Journal (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht), David Führer takes a look back at the Vienna...


Visiting Research Fellows at The Hub

As the new semester starts, The Competition Law Hub bids farewell to our Visiting Research Fellow Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris...

Fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences

On 8 November 2023, Fabian Ziermann was awarded a DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences for his PhD...

Visiting Research at the European University Institute (EUI)

On 8 May, Klaudia Majcher joined the Center for a Digital Society (CDS) at the European University Institute (EUI) in...