News & Media

Fine for Gun-Jumping
Following the Austrian Supreme Court’s ruling to impose a fine of € 70 million on supermarket chain Rewe for gun-jumping,...

The SYRI-Alert project sets out to develop an early warning system for supply chain disruptions to increase the resilience of...

DMA and Collective Redress
At the annual seminar of the Institute of Business Law, which took place at Neusiedl/See on 30 and 31 January...

Strategic Foresight and EU Competition Law
To shape tomorrow’s markets in line with the Treaties’ objectives, EU competition law needs new methodological tools. Could strategic foresight...

State Aid and Covid-19
The second part of Petar Petrov’s article on state aid and COVID-19 in the air transport sector (in German) was...

Five Questions for Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch
For the newest edition of the Journal of German and European Competition Law (Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb – WuW), Vicky Robertson...
Visiting Research Fellows at The Hub
As the new semester starts, The Competition Law Hub bids farewell to our Visiting Research Fellow Juan Ignacio Ruiz Peris...
Fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences
On 8 November 2023, Fabian Ziermann was awarded a DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences for his PhD...
Visiting Research at the European University Institute (EUI)
On 8 May, Klaudia Majcher joined the Center for a Digital Society (CDS) at the European University Institute (EUI) in...