On 6 December 2024, Vicky Robertson was invited to join the OECD Competition Committee Roundtable in Paris to discuss the Interaction between Competition and Democracy. She shared her research on digital democracy and competition law with the delegations and fellow experts, focusing on four ways in which competition authorities can react to democracy-related concerns:
- focus on democratic antitrust procedure,
- ensure the dispersion of economic power,
- adopt democracy-related theories of harm (through an integrated approach or an external benchmark approach), and
- negotiate democracy-friendly remedies.
Her note, written in preparation of the discussion, can be found here. Her research on Big Tech, democracy and competition law – all available in open access – can be found here (Antitrust Bulletin 2022), here (Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 2024, with Ariel Ezrachi) and here (edited volume on Smart Regulation 2023; in German).
Her slides and all other session materials, including contributions from 13 delegations, are available here. This includes the OECD background paper.